My College Story
As I must take responsibility for my actions, I believe that too little was done on the part of the university I attended and the student loan companies I borrowed from. I believe that all students in their junior and senior years should receive financial literacy training, and much more guidance needs to be given to these young people before they potentially sign their financial lives away. The need for this is the greatest right now, as our economy is much worse off than it was in 2005. Millions of graduates young and old are struggling to get by because of their student loan debt.
Student Loan Justice
My experiences with higher education and the student loan industry lead me to start investigating more into the subject, and what I found was very concerning. I read stories about predatory lending, Sallie Mae giving bribes to financial aid offices to sell their loans, and many stories of people being crushed by their debt. I ended up finding a group called Student Loan Justice, which is a grassroots organization devoted to restoring standard consumer protections to student loans. The founder, Alan Collinge, lays out a clear and compelling argument for reform while providing evidence of corruption and scandal by the student loan industry. This argument is supported by the thousands of stories of hardship that have been submitted to the site.

Please be an informed citizen and research the topic. You can also visit, and view the show that aired on March 27, 2009 on
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